Loading Control Antibodies

Loading controls are commonly choosed from the proteins which are expressed by the housekeeper genes. The expression level of loading controls in different tissues and cells are relatively constant. Therefore they can act as the reference for measuring the level of proteins expression. They are widely used in many experiments. For example, they can be used as an internal control in the western blotting.
Western blotting is a popular analytic method which is used to detect the quantity of a particular protein. The process of western blotting contains sample preparation, sample loading, electrophoresis, protein transfer, antibody incubation and signal detection. It is necessary to use loading controls to make sure that each lane will be loaded with the same quantity of sample. In addition, they can ensure the transfer efficiency of the sample from the gel to the membrane. In conclusion, they can standardize the results of these experiments.
Loading control antibodies are used to identify particular loading controls. BiologicsCorp can supply a wide variety of loading control antibodies with our professional techniques. It is convenient for you to purchase our particular antibodies.